Monday, April 26, 2010

Go Milo, It's Your Birthday!

Milo turned 1!!! It was such a momentous occasion that he'll remember forever::) Just joking. He had no idea what was going on, but we had a lot of fun celebrating. He had a little mini party at the park next to our house with his cousins. I know there are a lot of pictures of him eating cake, but honestly it was the cutest thing ever. Also, I bought these aviator sunglasses for him a few days ago and he is obsessed with them. He wouldn't take them off the whole day. He is such an amazing little dude and we are thankful every single day to have him in our family!!


Carly said...

I LOVE it when you post pics of Milo. I don't think there has ever been one that didn't make me smile or laugh aloud. What a total stud!

Benjamin said...

Culd he be any more cool- what one-year-old leaves sunglasses on, that is too much!!! He makes that cake look good. glad you guys had fun.

Benjamin said...

Hahahaha i must emplain! ok, don't get creeped out, it's sariah writing you, not ben. I'm at my in-laws house/kid sitting for a week and didn't realize i was logged in under his name. Or where you hopeing that a random man named ben was posting on your blog... dun

Katy and Rob Bodily said...

Happy B-day! It looks like he definately got his fair share of cake. Those glasses are hilarious. I am pretty sure his Momma has sported a pair or two of aviator glasses over the years. Like mother like son! PS...I know it is 5:30 a.m. I am at work doing a little blogging before I start my terrible work load for the day..shhh, don't tell:) I didn't want you to think I was some loser who looks at blogs all night!

Robyn Reynolds said...

Happy Birthday Milo! He looks so cute!

The Jensen's said...

I want to eat him!! When is his brother going to make his entrance?

Michelle said...

oh my gosh he is so dang cute. those pics make me laugh so hard. I NEED to see pics of your new little guy.


Ok Em, these pics are killing me, you have got to have to cutest boy ever!! Love the shades!! congrats on the new baby too, I'm sure you have your hands full!!! You're story in a crazy one, but so exciting!!! Congrats and best wishes!