Friday, April 29, 2011
We're Alive~
Posted by Jeff and Emily at 2:39 PM 8 comments
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Milo always wants to try on my boots and he finds it hilarious to try to walk around. We are only allowed to do this when Daddy isn't home :) Just kidding. Jeff thinks it's funny too.

The rest of the photos are from taking the kids to see the lights at Temple Square and my parents also took the whole family to ZOO LIGHTS. It was so fun and I would recommend it to anyone who hasn't been and has little kids. I know going to Temple Square is so cliche and everyone says the lights are lame now, but Jeff and I have been waiting for so many years to have kids to take downtown and share that experience with. So it was extra special and Milo and Max both loved it.

Posted by Jeff and Emily at 8:31 AM 4 comments
Thursday, October 28, 2010
My mom bought a grandma pass to the zoo this year. Its been awesome because we've been able to go a few times and spend just a few hours rather than the whole day. The boys love it! Milo especially loves the monkeys, and the baby elephant. Actually I think his new favorite thing is riding the carousel. He wanted to do that over and over again. Max just likes to be outside, so he's happy to ride around in the stroller for hours and hours. We are excited to go back to see the Christmas lights when they go up. Thanks to Sage for taking all the pics :)
Claire and my mom gazing at the giraffes.
Great Grandma Madsen pushing Max around the zoo in her Shape-ups :) She's awesome! Can your baby's great grandma push an extra giant baby around hilly hogle zoo while wearing special workout shoes? Probably not. Like I said....She's awesome.
Posted by Jeff and Emily at 7:52 AM 4 comments
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Bear Lake was Great!
Posted by Jeff and Emily at 8:29 AM 2 comments
Monday, August 2, 2010
Milo's Do and Max's Blessing
The last few weeks have been really busy. Even though we haven't gone anywhere this summer (so far) it seems like we have something going on every weekend. This past weekend we had Max's blessing. Our families are so supportive!! All of Jeff's siblings came in town for the festivities and a lot of them live out of state. And my whole family was there as well. We were so happy to see everyone since we missed the Webb family reunion this year:( We had a great weekend chilling with the family. Milo and Max both love their cousins and wish we could see them more often.
Side View :)
Now you get to enjoy an overload of pictures
Posted by Jeff and Emily at 6:19 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Quick Update...
So as I'm sure you can imagine, things have been pretty hectic around our place these last few months. But I'm back at work now so I have a few minutes to update everyone:) Max is doing amazingly well. He's giant and we are excited to see how big he is at his 2 month appt. next week. He is smiling and cooing all the time now and his biggest smiles are saved for Milo. He LOVES him. It so awesome to see how he lights up whenever he catches a glimpse of his face. And the feeling is mutual. Milo adores him. He is always trying to kiss his head, he wants to hold him constantly, and he likes to try to put his binky in when he is crying (it usually ends up in his eyeball). We have only had two pee-in-the-face incidents, and they were both in Milo's face. Once when I was bathing Max in the sink I reached over to grab the wash and Milo started laughing really hard. I looked over and Max was peeing like a fountain straight onto Milo's head. Hilarious. Then the same thing happened when I had them in the tub together. I have a feeling this is a forecast of my future. Lots of pee, burping, and soccer. (Our house has been World Cup Central) I'll post more pics when I get a few minutes.
Posted by Jeff and Emily at 7:39 AM 3 comments
Monday, May 17, 2010
Hi, I'm Max
Posted by Jeff and Emily at 9:09 PM 11 comments